Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas One: Isaiah jives with Matthew

Could you ask for a better set of readings for the end of the year? Isaiah 63:7-14 and Matthew 2:13-23? At first blush, they appear to have nothing in common. After all Matthew references Hosea, Jeremiah, and “the (unnamed) prophets.”

Once you spend a little time with Isaiah and Matthew, however, you realize they jive like peanut butter and jelly.

Isaiah 63

V. 7 I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord...

· Tell (zakar") = an intimate recalling/remembering, almost a reliving, a very real experience

o When God remembers (zakar"), He gets involved – think Exodus 6:5 where God “remembers” His covenant w/ Israel and comes down to rescue them.

o This is almost certainly what Isaiah has in mind when he recalls/tells of the kindnesses of the Lord.

· Kindnesses (chesed) = steadfast love, unfailing love, God’s love in action

o Isaiah probably remembers Exodus 33:14 where God passes by Moses proclaiming, “The Lord, The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love (chesed,,) and faithfulness…

o Certainly is recalling the entire exodus experience and God’s repeated expressions of kindnesses (chesed,,).

V. 8 He [God] said, “Surely they are my people…”

· My people (ami;) = pure Gospel

o In Isaiah 6:9 they were “this people.” = law

o In Hosea 1:9 they were (Lo Ami) “not my people.” = law

V. 9 In all their distress he too was distressed…

· God was moved by His people’s distress.

o Think: Exodus 3:7-8a – God sees Israel’s misery and comes down to rescue them.

And the angel/messenger of his presence saved them.

· Literally “the messenger of His face (paniym) saved them.”

o Think: Exodus 33:14 – God tells Moses My Presence (literally My Face) will go with you

o Think: 2 Corinthians 4:6 – Glory of God revealed in the face of Jesus.

In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he carried them…

· God’s love and mercy moved Him to redeem/restore/rescue

o Think: Exodus 6:6 – God makes the promise to do exactly this.

· Intimate carrying of the Lord

o Think Isaiah 40:11 – God carries His lambs close to his heart.

V. 10 Yet they rebelled…

· Despite God’s repeated demonstrations of unfailing and steadfast love (chesed,,) and His intimate expressions of covenantal love, they rebelled!

o Think Exodus 15:23 – the bitter, undrinkable water of Marah – it’s the same word used for “rebellion” here. Their rebellion was bitter to God!

And grieved his Holy Spirit.

· God was grieved (atsab')!

o Think Genesis 6:6 – God’s heart was full of pain (atsab') over the corruption of mankind.

o God’s not an unmoved mover; He’s the most moved mover.

So he turned on them and became their enemy and he himself fought against them.

· God’s wrath was provoked. How long does it last?

o Think Isaiah 54:8 – only a moment, His unfailing and steadfast love (chesed,,), however, lasts forever.

V. 11 Then his people recalled they days of old…

· “Then” i.e. after experiencing God’s wrath, they recalled/remembered (zakar) God’s saving activities in the “good old days.”

· “Then” Israel wanted to relive God’s unfailing and steadfast love (chesed) they experienced in the Exodus. Israel wanted God to do it again.

Enter Matthew 2:13:23

v. 15 And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son.”

· Here’s the (very) short of it: God does it again!

o God carries Israel out of Egypt again.

o God brings His Son out of Egypt again.

· Jesus is Israel condensed to one.

o He is God’s obedient Israel/Son

o He does right what OT Israel did wrong

· How’s that affect us?

o Think Galatians 3:26-29 – If baptized, sons of God, seed/offspring of Abraham, heirs according to the promise.

o Baptized believers in Christ are incorporated into Israel – we are Israel about whom God says, “They are my people (ami).”

· What does Paul tell us not to do?

o Think Ephesians 4:30 – don’t grieve the Holy Spirit.

o Instead, remember God’s unfailing love.

· How do we tell/remember/relive God’s unfailing and steadfast love (chesed,,)?

o Think “Do this in remembrance of me.” - The Sacrament of the Altar!

o And what, by the way, was Jesus doing on the night He instituted the Sacrament? Remembering/reliving the exodus event in the Passover.

Any body else find this fascinating? I can't wait to preach it!

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